Monday, April 23, 2007

Bath Time

Well it finally happened; Gabriel had his first bath. I wanted to wait until Jason got back, but another three weeks was a little long. Don't get me wrong. He has been getting sponge baths. But today he actually took a bath.

He is getting so big. He is sitting in his swing behind me cooing and smiling.

It is is 85 degrees here to day so everyone is in shorts. We are very excited to have the nice weather to go outside. Enjoy the pictures and I'll update again soon.

Monday, April 9, 2007


Gabriel started smiling about a week ago (6weeks old) and I was finally able to get a picture of it. I have also posted a picture of him with his brothers and sister. Enjoy.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Home for a Month

Gabriel has been home for just over a month now. He is now 10 pounds 4oz. He is smiling now mostly at his brothers and sister. He also can hold his head up on his own. He wakes up less than his brother and sister did. He's up twice on night on average and does not stay awake between feedings.

I can not believe this child he is so much like a normal baby. I want to have shirts made up that say I had open heart surgery to advertise how amazing he his.